
Spontan autocamperferie i påsken!

Familievenlig autocamper-tur i et skønt område!

Min mand, søn og jeg havde planlagt at tage til Gardasøen i påskeferien. Men nogle gange går tingene anderledes, end man planlægger: Vejrudsigten meldte dage med regn og kølige temperaturer. Vi var dog bundet til at skulle rejse i skoleferie. Så jeg smed hurtigt vores ferieplaner over bord ...

Da vi gennemgik vejr-appen, indså vi, at Bayerischer Wald havde den bedste vejrudsigt over et bredt område. Desuden blev det hurtigt klart, at denne ferieregion har meget at tilbyde omkring påske og er forberedt på omskifteligt vejr. Perfekt! Vi tilføjede den ene attraktive destination efter den anden til vores ønskeliste, tjekkede åbningstider og havde en rejseplan klar på ingen tid.

Selv på vej til Bayerischer Wald var der ingen mangel på seværdigheder. Vi kørte omkring en time via motorvejene A9 og A93 - nordpå til Abensberg. Vores første destination var Kuchlbauer påskemarked og det imponerende Kuchlbauer Tårn - et Hundertwasser arkitekturprojekt. Desværre var en guidet tur i ølverdenen ikke længere mulig, da vi ankom om eftermiddagen. Det må vi helt sikkert tage op igen, når vi får chancen!

Efter at have rejst videre i et kvarter, stoppede vi i nærheden af Weltenburg Kloster, og gik resten af vejen. Vi traskede op ad bakken fra klostergården og spadserede tilbage over højderyggen gennem det gyldne aftenlandskab. Her, som i Kelheim og langs andre dele af Donau, kan man tage en afslappet tur med en passagerbåd. Men for at være ærlig, havde vi hverken tid eller mave til det på denne roadtrip, selvom vi gerne ville.

Derefter satte vi kursen mod Kelheim. Byen har en stor, central autocamperplads. Vi tog afsted til fods herfra næste morgen for at besøge den imponerende Befrielseshall. Vi var de eneste besøgende, da bygningen åbnede. Det første vi bemærkede, og var meget imponerede over, var hallens udseende og akustik. Da vi derefter opdagede, at vi kunne klatre op ad en eventyrlig vindeltrappe til bygningens luftige balustrade, blev vi helt betagede og tog ret mange unikke fotos. På vej tilbage spadserede vi gennem Kelheim og fik varmen i den børnevenlige café ved Donautor.

Ved frokosttid lykkedes det os at få en af de sidste parkeringspladser ved Walhalla. Vi var heldige, at vi nærmest kunne parkere vores kompakte Sun Living A 60 SP hvor som helst. Denne gang var vi omgivet af menneskemængder omkring den imponerende historiske bygning og i den store marmorsal, hvilket reducerede mindesmærkets magi en smule. Bagefter ville junior vildt gerne videre til en destination, som måske var lidt mere for børn - så jeg tog ham til Tobiwelt indendørs legeplads i Cham, mens Fabian bekvemt kunne blive i autocamperen.

Efter en intensiv feriedag overnattede vi i St. Englmar. Mere præcist lige foran vores næste udflugtsmål: trætop-promenaden i skovparken, med et hus i toppen og 24 usædvanlige kuglebaner. Da parken åbnede, var vi de første besøgende, og vi blev bestemt ikke skuffede! Det var et virkelig varieret udflugtsmål for hele familien! Inklusive højkvalitets forplejning.

Vi havde aftalt at mødes med nogle venner i parken og tilpasse vores autocampertur derefter. Desværre blev der ekstremt overfyldt lørdag eftermiddag, og vi besluttede at afslutte vores besøg i parken tidligere end planlagt. I det mindste kunne vi bruge tiden til at køre videre til Furth for at handle. Vi overnattede på en stille parkeringsplads i skoven.

The next morning, Furth im Wald was on the programme. Our first destination was the curious Flederwisch adventure world. The little guests get big eyes in the shop, at the gemstone search and the gold washing, while the older guests have time to slow down here. We parked directly in front of the adventure world. From here, we took a walk into the city centre at lunchtime. With a short stopover at one of the ice cream parlours, we walked to the Further Felsengänge. The guided tour started at 2 pm. 

A great experience for adults - but not for imaginative young children with a phobia of spiders. Unfortunately, the guide didn't advise us well in advance. A visit to the dragon cave a few minutes' walk away was a quick distraction. On this day, there was no live demonstration of the Further Dragon, the largest walking robot in the world. It stood quietly in its hall and yet had a remarkable charisma. I would really like to see it in action on a future holiday in the Bavarian Forest!

After another 20 minutes' drive, we reached Bad Kötzting. More precisely, the car park at the spa gardens, where we spent a heavenly, restful night. The spa gardens were perfect for looking for Easter nests, jogging and playing. The fridge was well stocked and I tried out a new campervan recipe: blanched bimi broccoli with scrambled eggs. A tasty and healthy meal that could be prepared in no time at all in our practical campervan kitchen. Thanks to the comparatively spacious work and storage areas in the Sun Living, we like to cook in our motorhome frequently.

The next morning we travelled on to Bodenmais to the Joska Glasparadies, where the kids can take part in a big gemstone hunt every year on Easter Sunday and Monday. Unfortunately, I wasn't convinced by the location: too crowded, too much sugar stuff and a dry Steckerlfisch. But, as we all know, tastes differ...

The weather immediately turned cool and rainy and my husband had a few emails and video calls to deal with. After so many wonderful experiences, we also felt like slowing down. That's why we checked into the Bodenmais camping resort for three nights. Right at the start, the modern campsite surprised us with a large hall where we were able to inspect and wash our motorhome roof using a ladder tower. Two fully automatic cleaning stations empty the toilet cassette in the hall for €2. At the same time, we were able to drain our waste water into an opening in the floor and top up with fresh water. We found the rubbish containers outside the hall around the corner. Once the motorhome was shiny inside and out, we rolled onto our pitch and I treated myself to a cosy break in the sauna area.

The next morning got off to a luxurious start with a hearty breakfast at the campsite's hotel buffet. While Fabian then opened up his laptop in the motorhome, my son and I spent the morning in the cosy breakfast room. We read, puzzled, tinkered and snacked until a bright young boy came to our table. This was the beginning of a great camping friendship for the entire stay. The two of them spent the afternoon in the play barn, while we parents had a lively chat in the bar area of the hotel. We ended the evening back in the campervan.

The next morning, my husband turned Sun Living into a productive home office while we had a good time in the breakfast room. In the early afternoon, we managed to persuade the kids to splash around with us in the warm Skypool. To see a little more of Bodenmais, we walked to the climatic health resort that evening and ate some delicious pizza.

On the last morning of the trip, we had breakfast in the motorhome. After checking out, we drove the two hours home via Deggendorf and Landshut in one go. Here, too, there would have been one or two sights on the return journey, which we left out this time due to the weather. But anticipation is the greatest joy and we can well imagine travelling to the Bavarian Forest again soon with our beloved Tiny Home.

You can find more travel reports and interesting facts about motorhome holidays with the versatile Sun Living A 60 SP on my travel blog travelshortcut.de.


Best wishes and have a safe journey at all times,

your Carolin